Business + Tech solutions.
All digital.
ILI helps you to build your brand, increase your sales
and be relevant on the Internet.
All integrated with technology in an elegant way.

The Internet waits for no one. Be adaptable.
Changes on the Internet happen incredibly quick. ILI works with an incremental iteration project approach, which makes you stay in sync with the (r)evolution on the Internet.

Teamwork makes
the dream work.
The most inspiring and effective way of working is together. Projects are more fun and successful when working in close relationship between me and you.

Quality of an agency,
value of a consultant.
ILI has an amazing team. All are stars in their respective fields of expertise. A combination of our thorough skills and experience equals a flexible and valued full-service offering.
Taking care of business
on the Internet
is my business
We are usually asked
to do the following…
An individual project. You need the helping hand from specialist consultants for custom missions.
Improving something. You need help with caring for and improving your digital presence and services.
The complete package. You need the flexibility of full-service; e.g. branding, web development, and marketing.
From startups to established corporations, ILI has worked with excellent people creating excellent results.
Global Utmaning
My star team is the
core of your success.

ILI has its seat in Happen on Södermalm in Stockholm. Happen is not like other communication agencies, it is a platform for consulting specialists where we share both office space and a fundamental approach to communication.
Together we offer most of what a client needs, from communication strategies into finished productions. We help our clients with platforms, creative concepts, communication campaigns, websites, and other digital solutions.
Patrick Gustavsson
Still loving the Web
– 20 years later.
Plan the work and
work the plan.
Developing digital products is not unlike constructing a building. Infrastructures must be in place to support systems. Plans are created that allow various teams to guide and coordinate activities to present the desired finished product in a timely fashion. Together it synergizes in a progressive and thoughtful platform.
Facts Material Compilation -
Business goals Communication Brand -
Solution architecture
Structure User experience Specification -
User interface Graphic design Typography -
Copy Photo Video Audio -
System Programming Testing -
Document IRL Video
Quality assurance Launch OptimizationContact
Do you love the Internet too?
Our HQ is located at Happen on Södermalm in Stockholm.
A generous, serious and inspiring environment. Welcome!
Our Services
- Project management
- Analysis & Strategy
- Communication & UX
- Architecture & Coding
- Specialist skills
- Graphic design & UI
- Copy & Media
- Marketing, SEO & Social
- Tech & Maintenance
- Help & Education
Need us in your next project?
Fill out our project request form below.
We get back to you within 48 hours.
Contact ILI
Patrick Gustavsson
+46 707 34 37 36
I Love Internet Sweden AB
c/o Happen
Bondegatan 21, Julius hus
S-116 33 Stockholm
CIN: 556943-2361
VAT: SE556943236101
Seat: Södermalm, Stockholm, Sweden